DUEF – Degree program in French

You can complete one level per semester and earn the University Diploma in French Studies (DUEF) for that level.



Classes are intensive: 15 hrs/week (1 semester = 13 weeks) complemented with sessions at the multimedia library that are an integral part of your course and also at the Centre de Ressources en Langues, which has some resources that can be accessed remotely (via intranet).

  • Level A1

Level A1 classes prepare students for DUEF A1 and DELF A1, teaching them how to present information about themselves or someone close to them, converse in everyday situations, understand simple audio recordings and both comprehend and produce simple written texts.

  • Level A2

These classes prepare students for DUEF A2 and DELF A2, developing their ability to interact in most situations they will face in everyday life, produce coherent discourse on familiar topics, comprehend texts written in standard French, and write texts and personal correspondence to describe their life experiences and impressions.

  • Level B1

Level B1 classes prepare students for DUEF B1 and DELF B1. These students begin working on their argumentation skills, learn to structure their discourse and develop the ability to communicate independently within society.

  • Level B2

Level B2 classes prepare students for DUEF B2 and DELF B2, providing an active preparation for the methodology required in university coursework. The emphasis is on the effectiveness of their argumentation, negotiating their way through meaning and interactively managing conversations.

  • Level C1

Level C1 classes prepare students for DUEF C1 and DALF C1, perfecting use of the tools required to organise and articulate coherent discourse, and equipping students to understand complex texts and use French with fluency and effectiveness in a broad range of areas. Students will also do the groundwork to understand the different types of university coursework.

  • Level C2

Level C2 classes prepare students for DUEF C2 and DALF C2. As well as further work on academic methodology, this course aims to develop students’ understanding of specialised discourse and enable them to express themselves orally and in writing with clarity and precision on complex topics in a style that is both appropriate and effective.


The pre-registration period for the first semester of the 2025-2026 academic year will take place from April 1 to April 23, 2025.

Pre-registration is a mandatory step, and deadlines must be strictly followed.

No applications will be processed before or after the pre-registration period.

Incomplete applications will not be considered.

Applications are reviewed by a committee and approved based on availability.



The first semester of the 2025-2026 academic year will run from late September 2025 to late January 2026 (exact dates to be announced).

The second semester of the 2025-2026 academic year will run from early March 2026 to late June 2026 (exact dates to be announced).

Students who have pre-registered for the program will receive their invitation to the mandatory placement test by email at the end of August 2025. Students are required to be in France starting September 1, 2025.





The pre-registration period for the first semester of the 2025-2026 academic year will take place from April 1 to April 23, 2025.

- Pre-registration is a mandatory step, and deadlines must be strictly followed.

- No applications will be processed before or after the pre-registration period.

- Incomplete applications will not be considered.

- Applications are reviewed by a committee and approved based on availability.


If you encounter any issues, you may contact us ONLY at the following email address: defiuniv-lillefr

To register for this course, you must hold :

  • A high school diploma or university entrance exam qualification (depending on the country, e.g., for China: the GAOKAO):

          Higher education access requirements by country: higher education admission procedures country by country

Required documents:

  •  The completed and signed online form: link to form
    (available only during the pre-registration period)
    Note: Completing the online form does not confirm registration
  • 1 ID photo (JPG format)
  • A valid passport copy
  • Copy of your secondary education diploma (baccalaureate equivalent) + certified translation (This document is mandatory, even if you hold a university degree).
  • Copy of university entrance exam qualification (if applicable in your country, see higher education admission procedures country by country) + certified translation
  • Copy of your student card (if you are currently enrolled in an institution in France).
  • Copy of your valid residence permit (if you are a resident in France).
  • OPTIONAL: A copy of your DELF/DALF/TCF certification if you hold one.

Note: if your documents are written in English or Spanish, translation is not required.

If your application is selected by the committee and your file is complete, you will receive a "pre-registration certificate."

The committee's decision will be communicated via email in May 2025.

  • If your application is rejected, no pre-registration fees will be required.

  • If your application is accepted, you will need to pay the €100 pre-registration fee as soon as possible via bank transfer, cash, or credit card.

The pre-registration certificate will allow you to complete administrative procedures with the French consular services in your country or through Campus France to obtain a long-stay student visa ("visa D").
(Visa exemptions apply to EEA - European Economic Area - and Swiss nationals.)

The academic calendar and course structure may be subject to change based on the university's decisions, which comply with national and European recommendations.

Tuition fees for the 2025/2026 ACADEMIC YEAR



Registration fees are due in September (or February for the second semester) and must be paid in full.

Please note that payment cannot be made in installments.

Application fee: €100 (non-refundable and non-deductible)

Annual registration fee: 3,188€

Semester registration fee: 1,822€

Semester registration fee for extension: 1,506€


If you have registered at the DEFI but been accepted at another institution, or if you don’t wish to pursue your course or no longer wish to benefit from your student status: 

you must cancel your administrative registration by writing to defiuniv-lillefr




Requests for cancellation of registration must be made in writing before October 31. Only requests following registration at another public French higher education institution (e.g., university) may, under certain conditions, be eligible for a partial refund of registration fees.

Any request submitted after October 31, 2025, will be rejected for the 2025/2026 academic year.

Documents to be attached to the request:
In all cases:

  • The student card from the University of Lille

If you are registered at another institution:

  • Proof of registration at another French higher education institution for the current academic year (e.g., certificate of enrollment or a copy of your student card)

  • A bank account statement (RIB). In case of a refund, if you wish the refund to be made to a third party's account, please provide a signed authorization letter in your name and address, allowing the payment to be made to another account (clearly specify the third party's identity and attach their bank details).




Registration fees can be refunded in cases of force majeure (repatriations for health reasons, serious illness with certification, death of a close relative). This must be validated by management at the DEFI.  

You can ask for a refund request form at the secretariat of the DEFI or by email defiuniv-lillefr
It must then be completed and returned, along with all of the necessary documents. You can also download the document by clicking on the following link:  https://ged.univ-lille3.fr/nuxeo/nxfile/default/9b7a542f-adb5-48e4-bf1f-b80ecfc1e3cf/blobholder:0/Remboursement-DEFI.pdf

Students who are unable to be present at the DEFI on the dates set out in the calendar can ask for their pre-registration to be postponed until the second semester of the same academic year. A new group will only be established once a sufficient number of students have registered.

The DEFI reserves the right not to run a course where there is an insufficient number of candidates.

Students can complete a complaint/suggestion form and send it by email to defiuniv-lillefr
link to form


EMAIL: defiuniv-lillefr

PHONE: 03-20-41-63-87

OFFICE HOURS (Room A4.057, Pont-de-Bois campus)

  • Monday: 9:30 AM – 12:30 PM / 1:30 PM – 4:00 PM

  • Wednesday: 9:30 AM – 12:30 PM / 1:30 PM – 4:00 PM

  • Thursday: 9:30 AM – 12:30 PM

  • Friday: 9:30 AM – 12:30 PM


  • CLOSURE of the office from Saturday, April 5, 2025, to Monday, April 21, 2025 (inclusive)

  • REOPENING of the office on Wednesday, April 23, 2025

During this period, please direct any inquiries to our email address: defiuniv-lillefr


DU PASSERELLE - Diploma Program for Students in Exile

The DEFI program implements the DU PASSERELLE for students in exile, aimed at refugee students and international students with subsidiary protection status (levels A1 to C1).

The goal of this program is to provide individuals in exile, holders of the equivalent of the Baccalaureate, who wish to continue their higher education, with intensive French courses (at the DEFI center), orientation workshops, and socio-cultural activities (DVE department) to support their integration and prepare for their academic and professional future.

Link to apply for the DU PASSERELLE: www.univ-lille.fr/formation/amenagements-des-etudes/des-formations-ouvertes-aux-etudiantes-en-exil

Bachelor’s degree

Modern language 2 - French as a foreign language (FLE)

UE 9 FLE – German-speaking international students registered on a bachelor’s course at the University of Lille

Students concerned

Allophone international students registered in year 1, 2 or 3 of a bachelor’s degree course at the University of Lille.

Course duration

3 hrs/week over 8 weeks: 24 hrs/semester in person. You are strongly encouraged to attend each class.

6 hrs of semi-autonomous work at the language resource centre (CRL

Schedule – 24 hrs of classes

Forming student groups

After the mandatory written evaluation (see dates below), students are divided into groups to reflect their level of linguistic ability, as defined under the Common European framework of reference for languages (CECRL).

  • Campus Pont-de-bois :

French test on Wednesday, september 18, 2024 - Amphi B3 - campus Pont-de-Bois
Beginning of classes from Monday, september 30, 2024.
Details and informations : vanessa.obin@univ-lille.fr


  • Campus Cité Scientifique :

French tests on Tuesday September 17, 2024 from 10:15 am to 12:30 pm or Thursday, September 19, 2024 from 10:15 am to 12:30 pm or Friday, September 20, 2024 from 1:30 pm to 4:30 pm bâtiment SUP - room to be confirmed

Classes are held on Tuesday, Thursday or Friday, starting the week of September 17, 2024.

Details and information : supfle-licencemaster@univ-lille.fr

Course programme

  • Oral reception and note-taking using authentic video or radio files: recorded lectures, television programmes, TV news bulletins, etc.
  • Written reception of authentic documents: press publications and academic articles.
  • Written production : argumentation, reports, dossiers.
  • Oral production : regular interactive speaking practice: theme-specific exposes, critical reports of activities, debates, etc.



This course is based on a communicative and intercultural approach with a focus on action. Pedagogy involving tasks and projects is prioritised. Students are invited to practice language-as-culture in their capacity as members of society. The classroom is a place of both teaching and learning where linguistic and cultural tools are used to engage in social activities; it is also a place in which progress is monitored and evaluated.

All activities are linked to those of university life.
Classes are also based on the resources available at the  CRL. Regular course work at the centre will be suggested and supervised.

Assessment methods

Final grade out of 20 made up as follows:

  • Continuous assessment: average of 5 grades out of 20. Regular participation in class is evaluated.
  • 6 hours of autonomous work on CALAO to be completed outside of class hours. Study journal to be annotated by the student.

    Regular attendance in class is strongly advised.

    ECTS: 3 credits (Pont de bois, Moulins-Ronchin and Healthcare campuses) and 2 credits (Cité Scientifique campus)



    Teaching staff endeavour to meet the language needs of students in each group. The aim is to improve their written expression for the university exams they will be sitting later in the year.

    Course work is based on activities targeting both language reception and production or oral and written interaction, using authentic material like TV reports, press articles, etc.

    Teaching addresses both linguistic knowledge (expanding vocabulary, syntax, usage and conjugation of tenses, etc.) as well as cultural dimensions (intercultural classes, insights into France and its socio-cultural aspects). The aim is also to develop certain skills (language reception and production or oral and written interaction), with a particular focus on argumentation.

    At intermediate levels B2 and C1, students will also work on the required methodology for university coursework (developing a written argument, etc.), as well as practise taking notes and delivering presentations.

    •  Pont-de-Bois  campus:


    • Cité Scientifique campus:


    Master’s degree


    How it works

    • student meets with teacher/adviser and objectives are set out: Dialang or other test, provisional roadmap, recommendations made, strategies determined, contract and evaluation method
    • autonomous work at the language resource centre (CRL) using material chosen based on the objectives set out at the beginning of the learning process, whereby students record their progress in a log and learning journal
    • participation in online platform activities: keeping to the schedule, contributions to forums and work on glossaries, submitting coursework
    • oral production or phonetics workshops
    • interviews and advice by appointment
    • compilation of a portfolio containing the work carried out during the term (see procedure for more specific detail), chosen to reflect the needs of each student
    • self-evaluation and final interview test: attendance at the CRL, entries in learning journal, participation in group sessions and online platform, portfolio and final interview.


    This scheme lasts 9 weeks in the first term and 9 weeks in the second term, with a workload of 2 hours per week (3 ECTS per term).

    Students alternate between self-learning and group sessions. Including the coursework on the online platform, this represents at least 30 hours of work.

    Attendance is mandatory at the introductory session for the accompanied self-learning FLE scheme.
    This session includes a presentation of the scheme and an evaluation of each student.

    • For Lille students on the Pont-de-Bois campus (except in applied foreign languages – LEA): Monday, september 30, 2024

    Contact: for any additional information, contact Martine Eisenbeis: martine.eisenbeisuniv-lillefr

    Self-learning FLE scheme for German-speaking international students on a University of Lille master’s course – Cité Scientifique campus


    How it works

    Teaching staff endeavour to meet the language needs of students in each group. The aim is to improve their written and oral expression in the university environment and in the everyday life of an international student.

    Coursework is based on activities targeting both language reception and production or oral and written interaction, using authentic material like TV reports, press articles, etc.

    Teaching addresses both linguistic knowledge (expanding vocabulary, syntax, usage and conjugation of tenses, etc.) as well as cultural dimensions (intercultural classes, insights into France and its socio-cultural aspects). The aim is also to develop certain skills (language reception and production or oral and written interaction), with a particular focus on argumentation.

    At levels B2 and C1, students will also work on the required methodology for university coursework (developing a written argument, etc.), as well as practise taking notes and delivering presentations.


    24 hours spread over several sessions during timeslots reserved for languages

    Assessment method

    Regular attendance in class is strongly recommended: 18/24 hours minimum (mandatory for students registered on an exchange programme).

    Final grade out of 20 (continuous assessment, guided self-learning, written final exam)

    ECTS: 2 credits (Cité Scientifique campus)


    Contacts : Head of FLE classes : leonore.bereksi@univ-lille.fr

                      Secretariat : SUPFLE-licencemaster@univ-Lille.fr

    The introductory session for the guided self-learning FLE scheme will take place at

    •  Pont-de-Bois campus : Monday September 30, 2024 from 2pm to 4pm room A1601.

    Location : Campus Pont-de-Bois

    Attendance mandatory

    • Pont-de-Bois campus

    Martine Eisenbeis: martine.eisenbeisuniv-lillefr

    • Cité Scientifique campus

    Secretariat : SUPFLE-licencemasteruniv-Lillefr




    This course is for students at the doctoral school on the Pont-de-Bois campus.

    Classes available:
    Mastering methodology for students writing their thesis in French, from level B1 upwards.

    International doctoral students looking for support and classes in French as a foreign language (FLE) have access to a specific FLE training course. Coursework is both collective and individual and is tailored to the linguistic, cultural and methodological needs specific to the academic rigours of writing a thesis in the French system and to the research project of each student.

    The aim of this course is to equip doctoral students with the self-sufficiency to ensure their own academic material adheres – linguistically and culturally – to the academic norms of the French university environment, and to give them the necessary tools to rewrite their output.

    Participants will work on both written and oral production focusing on doctoral research: writing a conference presentation proposal, drafting an academic article and thesis chapters, writing in slide format (PowerPoint) and oral presentations.

    Semester 1: 12 hours of classes for 2nd and 3rd-year doctoral students, focusing on the following: creating and presenting a research poster in French, run by Evelyne Rosen-Reinhardt.
    Classes are held on Thursday afternoon. Continuous assessment.

    Semester 2: 24 hours of classes for 1st-year doctoral students, focusing on the following: presenting your research topic in writing and orally (particularly in slide format), run by Evelyne Rosen-Reinhardt and Marie-Pascale Hamez.
    Classes are held on Thursday afternoon.
    A graded assignment will be given in class at the end of the session.

    This course is for students at the 4 doctoral schools on the Cité Scientifique campus (SPI, SMRE, SESAM, Bio Santé) as well as the doctoral school on the Pont de Bois campus, from level A1.1 to C1. 

    •   Level A1

    Introduction to oral and written French through role-play and simulations in class to meet everyday communication needs.
    Understand and use simple language that can be transferred to the everyday situations students face immediately upon arriving in France.
    Speak clearly and begin to communicate with people in a professional setting.
    Students will be able to understand brief and simple questions and instructions. They will acquire a range of simple syntactic structures and grammatical forms and will practice clear pronunciation of memorised basic expressions and words.

    • Level A2

    A ce niveau l’étudiant s’entraînera, en classe, à communiquer dans des tâches simples et habituelles afin d’interagir avec une aisance raisonnable dans son domaine d’activité. L’étudiant sera capable d’échanger des idées en utilisant un vocabulaire fréquent et de demander des renseignements sur des sujets familiers de la vie quotidienne et d’actualité.
    Par ailleurs, il sera entraîné à produire fréquemment de brefs exposés en classe. Il s’exercera également à la compréhension et à la rédaction de notes et messages simples. Il approfondira la maîtrise de structures syntaxiques et de formes grammaticales courantes et développera un répertoire de vocabulaire correspondant à des besoins concrets. Un travail de prononciation ciblé facilitera la clarté des énoncés. 

    • Niveau B1

    L’étudiant sera placé dans des situations de communication variées appartenant au domaine public et professionnel. A l’écrit, il produira des discours simples et cohérents et pourra comprendre des textes authentiques sélectionnés en langue courante. Il sera régulièrement amené, en cours à exprimer sa pensée sur des sujets culturels.
    Des documents radio ou de télévision sur l’actualité ou sur des sujets présentant un intérêt pour le domaine de spécialité des étudiants seront proposés pour un entraînement à la saisie d’informations essentielles. L’étudiant enrichira suffisamment son vocabulaire et maîtrisera les principales structures grammaticales, pour pouvoir exprimer avec souplesse l’essentiel de ce qu’il veut dire.
    Il s’agit donc à ce niveau de renforcer et d’enrichir les compétences linguistiques et socio-culturelles. 

    • Niveaux B2 & C1

    A ce niveau les étudiants aborderont des sujets abstraits, complexes, liés notamment à l’actualité mais aussi à des aspects techniques de leur domaine de spécialité. Le but étant de développer le degré de spontanéité et d’aisance à l’oral en travaillant notamment sur la quantité, l’étendue et la maîtrise du vocabulaire.
    A l’écrit, ils seront capables d’exercer un plus grand contrôle grammatical grâce à une identification précise de leurs difficultés individuelles, suivi d’une proposition d’activités adaptées.
    Les cours alterneront donc discussions actives au sein du groupe et travail individuel sur des objectifs personnels à atteindre.

    • Pont-de-Bois campus

    French test on October 22, 2024 at 9am

    • Cité scientifique campus

    French test on Septembre 27, 2024 at 9am



    • Cité scientifique campus

    Secretariat : ouad.halfaoui@univ-lille.fr
    Head of FLE classes: : leonore.bereksiuniv-lillefr


    • Pont de Bois campus

    Doctoral school secretariat: claudine.schneideruniv-lillefr
    Head of FLE classes:  evelyne.rosen-reinhardtuniv-lillefr